Piszemy, by pokazać jak doceniamy opiekę nad naszą 99-letnia matką Rose Gabyrl. Przez ostatnie dwa lata Wasz Dom zapewniał jej pełną opiekę w zakresie dziennych potrzeb i pomoc w poruszaniu się.
Wasza kuchnia jest podobna do smaków kuchni polskiej. Wasze pielęgniarki i personel medyczny w pełnej cierpliwośći zapewniał jej odpowiednie lekarstwa w utrzymaniu kondycji fizycznej i psychicznej. Nasza prośba o łożko szpitalne i wykładzinę dywanową została wysłuchana.
Bez wahania polecamy waszą rezydencję wszystkim naszym przyjaciołom i krewnym.
Szczerze oddani,
Joseph i Jennie Gabryl
W wieku 85-lat moje produktywne, niezależne i wygodne życie zbliżało się do końca z powodu niemożności wykonywania podstawowych czynności dziennych.
Aplikacia o przyjęcie do Wawel Villa została wysłana i zaakceptowana.
Temat długoterminowy dom opieki rodżił poważne wątpliwości. Z wolna w ciągu pierwszego tygodnia pobytu byłem zadziwniony poświęceniem kadry procowniczej, która się mną zajeła, by zapoznać z usługami i udogodnieniani dostępnymi dla wszystkich rezydentów. Moje wątpliwości i uwagi zostały rozwiane.
Jestem rezydentem ponad rok i każdego dnia obserwuję pełną poświęcenia kadrę zawodową, która ze spokojem i skutecznie wypełnia obowiązki wobec wszystkich rezydentów, zawsze kurtuazyjnie i z szacunkiem. Bedąc charytatywną, bezprofitową organizacja, Wawel Villa nie tylko rozumie słowo dobroczynność, ale stosuje ją na codzień.
Jestem przekonany, że moja przyszłość w nowym domu będzie bezpieczna i przyjemna. To wszystko co potrzebuje rezydent - Tak trzymać!
Wszystko o czym piszę dzieje sie w wyjątkowo czystej, dobrze zarządzanej i gustownie urządzonej rezydencji, serwującej wyśmienite posiłki.
Ray Stephen
Przez ostatnie siedem lat moja matka mieszkała w rezydencji Wawel Villa pod troskliwym okiem Polskich Aniołów, które opiekują się seniorami jak skarbem.
Louis Adams
Poniżej strony jest więcej adnotacji w języku angielskim.
This note is to let you know how much we appreciate the care and attention your staff is giving our 99 year old mother, Rose Gabryl. During the past two years your facility has taken care of her daily needs and helped her to keep mobile.
Your kitchen is similar to her native Polish cuisine. Your nurses and medical staff have taken great pains to give her the proper medication for body and spirit. In addition the management has supplied her with a hospital bed and carpeting as was required.
We recommend your facility without hesitation, to all our friends and relatives as they may require similar care.
Yours very truly,
Joseph and Jennie Gabryl
At age 85, it became apparent my productive, independent, comfortable lifestyle was coming to an end due to my decreasing ability to attend to my necessary every day chores.
The subject of a long-term care facility raised serious doubts and concerns. Reluctantly application was made to, and accepted by, Wawel Villa.
Within the first week, I was amazed by the dedication of the staff in spending time with me, familiarizing me with all the services and amenities available to all residents. All my doubts and concerns were completely allayed.
I have been a resident for over a year and observe every day the dedicated staff quietly and efficiently fulfilling the needs of all residents, always with the utmost courtesy, and respect. Being a not-for profit, charitable organization, Wawel Villa not only knows the meaning of the word charity but practices it every day.
I am confident that my future in my new home will be safe, secure and pleasant. All that is required by a resident is – let it happen!!
All the above takes place in a meticulously clean, well maintained, and tastefully decorated facility serving excellent meals.
Ray Stephen
My mother’s last seven years were spent at Wawel Villa senior’s residence, being cared for by some Polish ANGELS who treat their seniors as treasures.
Lois Adams
To All the Staff at Wawel Villa
Thank you for taking such good care of my Ciocia Ala for six years now. I am so happy that she has found a home in such a friendly, kind and gentle caring environment.
God Bless you all,
Iza Prower
Wawel Villa has been a godsend for my father. All his needs are met socially, medicinally and nutritionally. Daily activities and excursions keep him active and involved. Polish is spoken as well as English and this has made adjustment much easier.
Polish cuisine and tradition are maintained which makes him feel at home. Meals are taken in a bright, cheerful dining room and guests are invited to join their family. The interior of the facility is scrupulously clean and is always decorated for special occasions.
The grounds also receive the some meticulous care. The Villa sits in a park-like setting with tall trees and carefully landscaped floral beds.
My father is most appreciative of the friendly, caring and professional staff which makes it possible for him to enjoy his life.
I would like to extend my personal thanks to an incredible staff.
Halina Ciach (Zak)
On behalf of my family, I would like to thank the Staff and Caregivers at Wawel Villa for their wonderful work to make my Mother and All the residents feel at home.
My Mother is and has been a resident at Wawel Villa for just a little over ten years. She considers this her home where she feels safe, comfortable and most of all “happy”. In my opinion, Wawel Villa is not just a Seniors Residence or institution; it is a Community run by a group of people who are dedicated to these old folks to make them feel important and useful.
The grounds and interior of the home is kept very clean, the meals smell heavenly and the days are filled with many activities to keep the men and ladies on their toes. Between bingo, exercise, parties, afternoon teas, picnics at the nearby lakefront park, and strawberries and ice-cream in the garden, the residents have no time to dwell on their aches and pains.
The staff also makes sure that they celebrate special days like Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. They even had their own Olympics with games and medals for the participants. My Mother is so busy that I can only catch her in her room at bedtime.
The Staff, from the office to the Nursing staff, to the kitchen and cleaning people, to the maintenance men, I have never met such a large number of people who are always smiling, always cheerful, always taking time to chat with the residents and guests, it almost looks like they really enjoy their work.
These people have created such a wonderful environment at Wawel Villa that it’s like one big family.
I am so very happy and appreciative of the care that my Mother is getting at Wawel Villa. It is very important to me that she is content, she was always very active and involved with people so I didn’t want her to feel forgotten or alone and I know that with our busy lives and our complicated schedules, it would be absolutely impossible for me to be able to provide her with the same level of care if she were to live with me and my family in our home.
May you all be blessed!
Andy and Ursula Makula
Please know that your thoughtful expressions of comfort and encouragement have stayed with me. No doubt they will guide me, with patience and time to deal with Mother’s passing.
My grateful thanks to all your nursing staff. Your combined Trojan efforts are commendable and I shall remember you always and for the many kindnesses you have extended to our family over the years.
I should also like to thank all your staff including, Wanda, Lyla, and Sister Clara, for sharing your compassion and I appreciate the kind thoughts that prompted you to send such lovely flowers.
Wawel Villa was home for my Mother for more than seven years. Standing as a great companion and warm friend, it means more than mere words can say.
Thank you all for everything,
Beverley A. Williams